Monday, April 21, 2008

Welcome to Mutombo Finger Wag

This is my second blog now. Originally, Can I Live? was going to serve as my all-purpose vessel for getting my thoughts out to the masses. While that is still my primary website, I've recently realized I have too many diverse opinions to be stifled by just one blog. Therefore, Mutombo Finger Wag will be set aside strictly for sports-related minutiae. I hope to update this site as frequently as I have the other, which is near daily, so make sure to bookmark both pages and check back frequently. We here at Mutombo Finger Wag seek to facilitate a friendly sports cyber environment. Please use this forum to make your voices heard. Make sure to enjoy. But above all, go fuck yourselves!


alikerlin said...

GOLD, JUSTIN! GOLD! now i can express my hatred for all boston fans and cowboys fans in a safe, controlled environment (paraguayans just look at me oddly when i yell 'fuck tom brady!' randomly in the street)

Justin said...

That wouldn't happen if you told Tom Brady to "mamas su pinga."

Anonymous said...

First, I f**king love Mutombo and now that there is a blog with homage to him, it kind of brings a tear to my eye.

Second, Tim Duncan and the fucking San Antonio Spurs can suck it! He is 100% deserving of the Mutombo finger wag. Done and Done.